Satisfaction of clients: In case of designing our first preference is satisfaction of our clients. We are bound to give on time delivery of quality work to achieve satisfaction of our clients.
Speed: Many people have very slow Internet connection so if the website is not fast loading then often the viewer gets irritated and goes to another site. So we try our best to produce fast loading websites by proper HTML, CSS and PHP coding.
Customization: Our goal is to achieve online success for our clients. So we analyze the business of our clients and prepare proper customized websites for our customers.
Convenience: Since many of our clients are small business entrepreneurs they usually take small hosting plans. We also plan according to our clients plan to create websites which dose not require much disk space. Thus our designing style is convenient for our clients.
Saving energy: Adova Soft are the pioneers in energy saving web designing. Dark colored websites saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. Image displayed is primarily a function of the user`s color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen. But if our clients prefer bright and vibrant colors then we are happy to design vibrant websites, since the satisfaction of our clients is our first preference.
Optimization: We are keen to design websites optimized for all search engines and Internet browsers to ensure online success of our clients.